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AJC experimental options

AspectJ Compiler reference: non-standard options

AspectJ Maven Plugin delegates the majority of its arguments to the AspectJ Compiler ajc, which is part of the AspectJ binary distribution. For convenience, the help text for AJC’s non-standard options is reproduced below verbatim.

Relevant options found in the listing below are mirrored in the corresponding plugin goal options, see Plugin Documentation.

For a reference of standard AJC options, please refer to AJC standard options.

AspectJ Compiler - Eclipse Compiler 8398f6c1210ec3 (13Feb2024) - Java21

 AspectJ-specific non-standard options:
    -XnoInline            do not inline advice
    -XnotReweavable       create class files that cannot be subsequently
                          rewoven by AspectJ.
    -XserializableAspects allows aspects to implement serializable
    -XterminateAfterCompilation compile classes then terminate before weaving
    -XaddSerialVersionUID calculates and adds the serialVersionUID to any
                          serializable type woven by an aspect
    -Xajruntimetarget:<level> allows code to be generated that targets
                          a 1.2, 1.5, 1.9 level AspectJ runtime (default 1.5)
    -XhasMember           allow hasmethod() and hasfield type patterns in
                          declare parents and declare @type
    -Xjoinpoints:         supply a comma separated list of new joinpoints
                          that can be identified by pointcuts. Values are:
                          arrayconstruction, synchronization